Stainless-steel water bottles have become de rigueur for working out. And for life. Going for a hike? Fill up the Yeti. Heading to yoga? Grab the Hydro Flask by its handy handle. The biggest advantage: Water in metal bottles does not absorb that yucky plastic taste, and the insulated ones keep beverages cold or hot, as desired.

But going for a bike ride or a ski? We’ve been stuck with plastic bottles that fit into water-bottle cages and hip belts without sliding or rattling around. But now there’s Bivo. This stainless-steel bottle—the brainchild of a former NCAA cross country skier, her husband and a small team at their Vermont HQ—stays put in bottle cages and hip belts. The shape, plus an anti-slip silicone coating on the colored bottles, are the key.
But Bivo’s real selling point is the flow. With an innovative valve designed by an ex-NASA engineer, the bottle delivers an amazing stream of water (or your rehydration beverage of choice) with no effort needed. Just tip up the Bivo and drink through the food-grade silicone nozzle—no squeezing, biting or sucking required. The flow rate helps slay thirst better than any other bottle we’ve tried. And the whole set-up—bottle, nozzle, lid and vent straw—comes apart and goes in the dishwasher, eliminating any potential of nasty mold taste later on.

The bottles range in volume from 17 to 25 ounces and come in insulated and noninsulated versions. And they’re available in fun colors like violet and lime in addition to more standard shades.
The downside? The bottle is pricy. And it tends to leak if you tip it over and haven’t fully closed the valve. But they are still worth every drop. $39–$49,