We need your help.
When we bought Cross Country Skier in 2016 we dreamed of making something new for the community that celebrated all things cross country. We hope you feel we’ve delivered. It’s been a challenge; cross country is a small enough community that we really have to work hard to find stories and photos we think you’ll find meaningful. Now, more than ever, we need your support to make Cross Country Skier sustainable.
This issue, our fourth Photo Annual, illustrates this point. Most of the great images you see have some sort of racing theme to them. It’s not that we’re racers; it’s that races are where photographers take pictures of XC skiers. Over the decades, the market for cross country skiing photography has dried up, and this magazine is now the only English-speaking print outlet for this imagery.
This represents the bigger challenge facing Nordic in North America. It’s a small (if growing) market. Finally, there are just not enough of you, our subscribers, to sustain a full-time editorial staff dedicated to this great sport. Everything you see here is produced, on the side, by the staff of our sister title Backcountry Magazine.
But, the truth is, we love it! And all we really need to make Cross Country Skier survive is for every one of our subscribers (THAT’S YOU!) to sign up one or two of their ski partners. Already, we’ve nearly doubled our subscriber base from 1,600 in 2016. To be sustainable, we need at least 5,000 subscribers.
We hate to sound like an NPR pledge drive, but, given all things, this is our reality. Spread the word with us, so you can continue to get a magazine we’re very proud to make for you!
Together we can make Cross Country Skier sustainable for years to come!
Adam Howard, CEO Height of Land Publications
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